salvagesounds Click the images for more information It is a shame we are having to miss seeing @worthi We were going to say these were our final pencil c **NEW VIDEO IN PROFILE** Well done to @ukulelego @ Just over 4 years ago, Salvage Sounds had made its We still have a few £10 1-string tinjos and open- An ideal instrument for enjoying outdoors. We we We are delighted to have been invited to be a part Although we have found ourselves frustratingly blo **SPECIAL OFFER** We are greatly honoured to be fe It was five years ago we built our first cigar box The lights go down on another @colonnadehse Salvag It is our second birthday today. Two years to the Another shot of the recent “Dodge Ram” LPG. Th Goodbye to these guys today. There can’t be man ** NEW STUDIO RECORDING – LINK IN PROFILE ** It Today the Salvage Sounds sideshow has been over at **NEW AUDIO IN PROFILE LINK** In addition to the a The latest of our electro-acoustic cigar box ukule Today marks our 2 year Instagram anniversary. Arou Next step: fret, inlay marquetry and shape a throu See more Follow us